Hobbies for people that LOVE animals and live in London

Calling all the animal lovers!

Spending time with animals is amazing and there are actual proven benefits like lower cortisol levels and lowering blood pressure. That doesn’t mean everyone should rush out and buy a dog, cat, bird, hamster etc (as much as you might love to). Living in a city and having a busy lifestyle may not be the environment for a pet but that doesn’t mean your love of animals needs to be ignored! There are so many ways to interact with animals without having to do all the poop scooping yourself….

  1. Horse riding 

One of the oldest animal-human bonding activities and so EASY do around London. Google your local stable and sign up for a series of lessons or hacks and find your inner cowboy/girl. Great exercise and even a really fun date idea!

2. Dog walking

An amazing hobby for dog lovers that aren't ready for the responsibility of their own pet. Dog owners are always looking for people to help walk their fur babies, check out apps like borrow my doggy, trusted house sitters, wag and so many more. Find regular clients and really get to know the dogs. A great hobby to do alone or with some friends (even a way to find new friends)

3. Volunteer at a rescue shelter. 

There are loads of pet rescue shelters around London - Battersea dogs and cats home, Mayhew, Adopt a dog London and so many more (have a google and see what is around you). Give back to your local community and care for some animals in need - often these centres rely on volunteers to stay open and to keep taking on more animals. 

4. Wildlife photography

The perfect hobby for creative people that love animals and love getting outside. You don’t need to spend £££ on camera equipment, just get out to your local park with your phone. Photography is extremely calming and maybe an undiscovered talent! From insects to horses and deer there is SO MUCH MORE wildlife in London to photograph than you may realise.

Spending time with animals is amazing and fulfilling for both you and them. Living in London should absolutely not stop you exploring this passion. 

New hobbies are never a bad thing and can often mean finding new friends and people to connect with. Buddee is an app developed to help you find like minded animal lovers with 0 friction and entirely on your own terms. Download today, get chatting and see who you might meet.


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