How to make new friends in London in 2024 as an adult

It's true, making friends as an adult can be hard and sometimes quite daunting  - how do you even meet people in the first place?! Growing up there are tons of opportunities to meet people (school, sports teams, clubs, university, parties etc) but as an adult these mass social events are fewer and far between. We’ve all been there but the truth is it is completely possible to make amazing friends as an adult (and it's probably easier than you think). 

Why even bother? 

There are approximately 1,000,000 legitimate, psychological, backed by research reasons why we need friends as adults but an executive summary:

  • Friends lower stress

  • Friends help you live longer 

  • Friends help you learn about yourself

  • Friends help you career

  • Friends make you feel healthier and happier 

Are you convinced yet? Basically having more friends as an adult is very important.

How do you find them? 

  1. Use your hobbies

One of the easiest ways to form a genuine connection with someone is to already have a common interest or shared passion. You are way more likely to get on well with someone if they love something you love. Enjoy your downtime together and not only will you find amazing new friends but you will probably also find a new spark for your favourite hobbies. 

2. Try something new 

Think workout class, mountain biking club, book club, wine tasting evening, painting class (the list goes on). One of the best things about London is there is so much going on and so many different classes and activities to try. Having an activity can remove some of the awkwardness of meeting new people as you have something else to focus on at the same time. 

3. Try an app!

There really is an app for everything now - including finding new friends. Swipe right for friendships as well as dating. Apps can be a super efficient and simple way to connect with new people that live locally to you. Buddee is our personal favourite (no surprises there) - connect with other like minded people that share your passions. Please refer back to point 1! Your perfect new yoga buddy, photography buddy or running buddy could live on the same street as you - Buddee is just a simple way to help you find them. 

4. Use your existing network

Utilise your existing friends. If you trust their judgement with people, chances are you would probably get on really well with some of their other friends. Why not suggest a dinner party where everyone has to bring an additional guest that no one else knows. I have tried this before and it's a really fun, relaxed way to meet new friends as part of a group. 

5. Remember to say Yes!!

Put yourself out there as much as you can and step outside your comfort zone and try new ways of meeting people. If you are purposeful with making new friends it is so much easier than you think.

Friendships are extremely important and one of the most enriching areas of our lives so find someone to shoot street photography with or go on a surf weekend. Every interaction can be an opportunity to form friendship if you are open to it.


10 signs of a real & genuine friendship


Hobbies to relieve stress: live a happier more fulfilling life