Hobbies to relieve stress: live a happier more fulfilling life

I never feel stressed or overwhelmed and I have the perfect strategies in place to combat stress’


We are all working more, relaxing less and burning out faster than ever before and mental health experts are naming stress as an epidemic. Now some stress is good but for the vast majority of us we have gone so far beyond ‘good stress’ with almost 75% of adults in the UK experiencing chronic overwhelm and burnout. 

It’s time to help ourselves and do something about these worryingly high levels of stress. There are tons of things we can do to lower stress (some more achievable than others) but something EVERYONE can start incorporating into their lives is a hobby. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive or mega time consuming but carving out even tiny amounts of time in our week to do an activity we enjoy has seriously good benefits on our mental (and sometimes physical) health.  

1. Distraction and Relaxation: Hobbies provide a WELL DESERVED break from the stresses of everyday life. It allows you to shift your focus away from worries and relax your mind.

2. Mindfulness and Flow: Many hobbies require concentration, leading to a state of mindfulness where you're fully engaged in the present moment. This can induce a sense of 'flow,' a state of being completely absorbed and focused.

3. Emotional Outlet: Hobbies can serve as a form of self-expression and emotional outlet. Activities such as painting, writing, or playing music allow you to express feelings and relieve tension. Just let it all out!!

4. Social Interaction: Hobbies can involve social interaction, whether through joining a group or club related to the hobby. Socialising can reduce stress by providing a support network and connecting to like minded people boost happy hormones. 

5. Physical Benefits: Some hobbies involve physical activity, such as sports, dancing, or outdoor activities like hiking. Physical exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural stress-relievers, promoting a sense of well-being.

6. Sense of Achievement: Making progress in a hobby or accomplishing tasks within that hobby can boost self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment, counteracting stress and anxiety.

7. Time for Self-Care: Hobbies offer dedicated time for self-care, allowing you to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. This can contribute significantly to stress reduction

Some of our favourite hobbies for reducing stress:

Crafting - think knitting, painting, card making, pottery, jewellery making (the list goes on) - see our post on top hobbies for crafters for more ideas!

Music related hobbies - picking up an old instrument, joining a band, singing or music production

Activities in nature - hiking, nature walks, nature photography, wildlife photography, wild swimming, outdoor rock climbing, surfing. 

Mindfulness hobbies - yoga, journaling, mediation, breath work, martial arts

Physical hobbies - running, joining a sports team, padel, tennis, swimming, cycling, mountain biking, kite surfing. 

Puzzles and games - board games, puzzles, brain-teasers, sudokus. 

Cooking & baking - cake making, bread baking, try a new dinner recipe, make your favourite restaurant dish at home, cook dinner for a friend, make brunch for your family. 

Remember, the effectiveness of a hobby in relieving stress largely depends on personal preferences. Try a few different hobbies to see what resonates with you the most and brings you the most relaxation and joy. Mix and match activities to keep things interesting and enjoyable.


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