The power of having a hobby

Too tired, no time, too much work, family commitments, chores, not enough money, no friends to do it with, *insert reason why you can’t do something you enjoy…

When asked if you have a hobby if your answers is any of the above then this is for you!

We get it, life is busy and commitments are important and often can’t be ignored but all work and no play makes for a very dull person. If anything, the past few years have highlighted how precious life is and how important it is to make the most of it. Ultimately there is more to life than spending hours looking at excel spreadsheets and having a spotless house. Having a hobby gives us a sense of purpose and fulfilment outside of work and something FUN to do in our leisure time. Hobbies make you happy and happy people are less stressed, healthier and better to be around!

If you’re still not convinced here are 4 reasons why everyone should have a hobby

  1. Hobbies improve mental wellbeing and relieve stress

Engaging in something you love takes you away from everyday commitments and gives you the opportunity to do something you WANT to do rather than something you HAVE to do. Hobbies give a sense of achievement, take your mind of the stresses of life and improve emotional well-being.

2. Hobbies make you interesting

We’ve all been at a party and met the person who’s personality trait is their career. Seriously if all you have to talk about is what you do at work (unless your hobby has become your job!) it’s time to take up a hobby. Hobbies give you interesting stories and experiences, new skills and something to put your energy into other than work.

3. Hobbies enrich your life

For the people in the back that haven’t heard yet - hobbies make you happy!! Having a hobby improves confidence, self esteem and quality of life. Have you ever seen someone passionate about; mountain biking, singing, painting, rock climbing etc and look miserable while doing it!?

4. Hobbies bring new friends

Hobbies are great way to meet new people and connect over shared experiences. Sometimes we forget the important of real life connections and hobbies are a great way to get off your phone, computer, iPad and bond with ACTUAL PEOPLE. Don’t let not knowing anyone that shares your hobby stop you doing it, you never know who you might meet.

In case we haven’t made it clear enough, hobby are great and everyone should have them but hobbies  are even better with a buddy. Whatever your hobby there is a buddy out there that wants to do it with you, but how do you find them?

Join a club? (If one exists for your hobby, is local to you, any membership fees are within your budget and regular schedule fits your lifestyles)

Join a Facebook or meetup group? (Rely on someone organising a meet up that isn’t too far away from you, travel to meetup, hope that there is someone there you connect with)

Hang out at a local spot? (Hope you bump into someone that shares your hobby and you connect with?)

NO is the answer to all of the above! There is a new and easy solution to finding a buddy to share your hobby with - Buddee!

Hobbies are better with a Buddy.


The healing power of outdoor hobbies: 5 to try