How to find friends to do your hobbies with!

Hobbies are amazing, give fulfilment to our lives and are something to spend our time on outside work and life responsibilities. Basically everyone should have one!

Hobbies are a great way to meet new like minded people that equally love your passions. Maybe you don’t have any friends that already share your hobby or maybe you are trying something for the first time - either way the enjoyment of a hobby can be so much more when you share it with a buddy.

Where to even begin?

Buddee is a social app solely developed to help you find local likeminded people that share your hobby. With 200+ hobbies to choose from there is something for everyone and truly a one stop shop for all your hobbies. Create a profile and set your search preferences by age, gender, locality and get swiping. Find a buddy local to you and chat at your own convenience.

Hobbies are better with a buddy.


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