Social anxiety - easy steps to overcome it and make new friends!

Dreading social events, worrying about speaking to people, avoiding social interactions, low self esteem, even panic attacks… All symptoms of social anxiety. 

Shyness on uncontrollable steroids. Social anxiety is overwhelming and can really take control of happiness in people's lives. Really tough and sadly, extremely common. BUT there is a silver lining - there is so much information and help out there. It IS possible to overcome. 

It’s all about making small, manageable changes to build confidence and keep social anxiety symptoms at bay. 

Step 1 - Remember you’re not alone. 

Okay so not exactly an actionable step but so important!! Social anxiety can feel really isolating but you are not alone. Chances are you interact with people all the time that have overcome social anxiety. Take comfort that social anxiety is so common, most people are very understanding and accommodating. Take comfort that there is tons of information and help out there. 

Step 2 - You don’t have to throw yourself in the deep end. 

Overcoming social anxiety does not mean you have to go hell for leather and turn up to a 100 person event. Start small with a few people you feel comfortable with in an environment you know. 

  • Host a dinner party for you close friends

  • Go to a games night at a siblings house 

  • Go for a coffee date and walk with a work friends you feel close with 

  • Do a hobby you love with a friend that likes it to 

Build your confidence with 1:1 connections first and go from there. Remember to keep initial social interactions small, manageable and do something you actually enjoy!

Step 3 - Set yourself up for success.

This is all about selfcare! Set yourself up for success by making yourself feel as good as possible when going into social situations. This is going to look different from person to person but think about what makes you feel confident.

  • Workout

  • Wear an outfit you love

  • Eat your favourite meal 

  • Listen to music

  • Meditate

Whatever floats your boat!

Step 4 - Connect over a common interest.

The EASIEST way to connect with other people is to have some common ground - a hobby or an interest. The ice is immediately broken and you have something to talk about. Think about your favourite hobbies (or maybe something you have always wanted to try) and use them to make friends. 

Connecting over a common hobby gives purpose to the social interactions which can really take the pressure off. 

A couple of hobbies that are very social!

  • Tennis

  • Cycling groups

  • Book clubs

  • Painting classes

  • Board games

  • Hiking groups

  • Badminton 

Step 5 - Chat first, then meet.

Nothing beats genuine, real life connection but it can be a great confidence builder to exchange a few messages before you initially meet a new person. A few shared topics in mind can really help an IRL meetup! Buddee is your go-to tool for connecting with like-minded people, on your own terms. Use your hobbies for easy conversations with similar people. Match, chat and exchange a few messages for a more comfortable IRL meetup. 

Take things step by step and at your own pace. Friendship is amazing and I don't want anyone feeling held back. Your hobbies are an amazing way to form genuine friendships. Buddee is an amazing, effortless way to actually connect with similar people. Connect comfortably on your own terms and have more fun with real friends! Available on ios and android.

Happy hobbies & happy friendship! 


Making genuine friends as an adult - signs your friendship is real and ways to actually meet new people.